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| Experiments >> GARP: Consumer Demand and Revealed Preference SoftwareThe GARP software, is designed to test consumer demand and revealed preference theory. Several aspects of the theory of revealed preference theory are described in the handbook section on Consumer Demand Theory and GARP, an acronym for the Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference. The portions of this section that relate to GARP are described in the Revealed Preference summary. In this software, you can create experiments to show and to analyze behavior of subjects in order to test for violations of the Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference Software requirements: Using the GARP SoftwareRunning the GARP Software can be roughly broken into three phases: setting up an experiment, running the experiment and reviewing the results. In the links below, you can find detailed information on using the GARP software to run your experiment. If you are new to the site, or if you are looking for information on how to run an experiment on Econport, please take a moment and read about how to use this experiment system: How to Create an Experiment on EconPort.
Running the Experiment and reviewing the results: This section briefly explains how to run the experiment, and how to access the results of your experiment directly after completing the experiment and at a later date. Related ContentRevealed Preference - Handbook entry | ||||||
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