Simultaneous-Play Bayesian Games |
A Bayesian game is one where the players have incomplete information about the game. This is most often structured as saying that a player may have one of several (or even infinite) "types", and that the type of any player is known to that player, but unknown to others. |
The type of a player determines the payoffs that player receives from any outcome of the game. |
The common equilibrium notion for such games is Bayesian Nash Equilibrium (BNE). In a BNE, each player picks a strategy function, rather than a simple strategy. The strategy function then selects a particular strategy for the player's type. |
Beyond that, the idea is just like like a normal Nash equilibrium. A BNE is a profile of strategy functions such that no single player can improve their expected utility by changing their function. |
BNE is the solution concept most often applied to auctions. Bayesian auction games can be implemented with bidding experiments. Bayesian matrix games can be implemented as extensive-form games with the Extensive Form Game software at Carnegie Mellon University. |
Page source: http://www.econport.org/econport/request?page=man_gametheory_bayesgames