Ultimatum Game |
The ultimatum game was first introduced to the literature by Güth, Schmittberger, and Schwarze [1982]. It is a one-shot two-stage sequential bargaining game. It is often used to illustrate the backward induction method of solving for a subgame perfect Nash equilibrium for monetary payoff maximizing players. However, the game involves salient fairness considerations and there are multiple reported results of equal-split or close to equal-split outcomes from experiments. Strategic considerations of the players include notions of fear, negative reciprocity, and other-regarding preferences. |
Game Rules |
In stage 1 of the ultimatum game the first player proposes a specific split of a fixed amount of money, say $10, to the second player. In stage 2 the second player can either accept the proposed split or reject it. If he/she accepts, the $10 is divided according to the first mover's proposal. If he/she rejects, both players get 0. |
Interesting modifications: There exist various scenarios for the game; for example player 2 might also have an outside option or, instead of simply accepting/rejecting the offer, instead choose a number between 0 and 1 to scale the payoffs. Another variation of the ultimatum game is its repeated version with discounting. |
Overview of the Most Common Setup |
Nash Prediction for Self-Regarding Preferences |
The subgame perfect Nash equilibrium for agents with self-regarding preferences is for player 1 to propose keeping all the money for himself and by the tie-breaking rule for player 2 to accept because he/she will be indifferent between vetoing and accepting a proposal in which he/she receives a payoff of zero (or to pass the smallest possible positive amount of money, in this case $1 in the absence of the tie-breaking rule). |
Common Experimental Results |
Dickinson [2002] in his classroom experiment reports that the players do not behave as predicted by the self-regarding preferences model. Instead, responders reject many positive offers and usually accept only close to equal-split proposals. The average offers to second movers in this classroom game vary from 27 to 37 percent of a pie. The results show that students? rejection frequency for the similar offer range goes up as the size of the pie increases. |
Possible Explanations of Observed Behavior |
Player 1 may propose a positive amount for player 2 because of:
To test for quantitative effects of altruistic other-regarding preferences and fear of rejection of proposals one can use a dictator control treatment. For the description of Ultimatum Game Dictator Control go to the Dictator Game section. |
Applications to Real-Life Situations |
One offer and a rejection or acceptance in the Ultimatum Game is similar to final-stage negotiations of various sorts:
These examples come from Dickinson [2002]. |
Available Experiments |
Further Readings |
Guth, Werner, Rolf Schmittberger, and Bernd Schwarze, "An Experimental Analysis of Ultimatum Bargaining," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, December 1982, 3, pp. 367-388. |
Page source: http://www.econport.org/econport/request?page=man_tfr_experiments_ultimatumgame